How long does it take for water lilies to grow?

How long does it take for water lilies to grow?

These lilies should be planted in 15- to 20-quart tubs. They should be planted so that there are six to 18 inches of water growing over their tips. They will begin growing roughly two weeks after they have been planted and then will begin blooming in another two to four weeks.

Do you need soil to grow water lilies?

Use a heavy clay loam (not potting soil) or a packaged soil specific for aquatic plants. … Most aquatics require at least 5 hours of direct sunlight for optimum growth. Do not cover the growing point of water lilies with soil or gravel.

Can you grow water lilies indoors?

If you're not planning on keeping the plants thriving for years, it is possible to grow hardy water lilies successfully in containers as small as 15 gallons. To do so well indoors, however, requires a few extraordinary measures.

How deep should you plant water lilies?

Once planted, the water lily's flowerpot is completely submerged beneath the surface of the pond. While the final planting depth is usually between 12 and 24 inches, begin by submerging the water lily's flowerpot 8 to 12 inches underwater, at a depth that allows the new leaves to float on the pond's surface.