How long does it take for okra to grow?

How long does it take for okra to grow?

50 to 65 daysOkra reaches maturity in 50 to 65 days. The plants can produce for ten to 12 weeks. It grows and bears seed pods until frost, which quickly turns them black and kills them. Start harvesting a few days after the okra blooms fade.

How can I grow okra at home?

To grow okra, start by tilling the soil with fertilizer, and plant the seeds in a sunny spot in your garden. Make sure the seeds are 4 inches apart and ½ inch deep in the soil. Once planted, give the okra an inch of water every week, and be sure to weed and place compost around the plants often.

Does okra need a trellis?

As mentioned, okra is a very easy plant to grow that doesn't require a lot of work in the garden. … Okra plants will get very tall but they are not the same as vining plants like beans or zucchini. You don't need to provide a trellis or any support for your plants. They grow more like tall shrubs than vines.

Can you grow okra in the UK?

Okra, like melons and peppers, is a warm-climate plant that needs heat and full sun to grow. In the UK you really do need to grow it under cover in a polytunnel or greenhouse. (You might possibly get a crop in a large pot on a very sunny patio in a hot summer.)