How long does it take for a straw to compost?

How long does it take for a straw to compost?

Let the pile heat up for 10 to 14 days. When the temperature inside reaches 140° or 150° f, pull off the straw cap and turn the pile by pushing it over and dividing it.

Can I put straw in my compost bin?

Straw as Compost Straw is a valuable addition to the compost pile, as it decomposes quickly and helps heat the mixture. You can add it directly from the bale or add it at the end of the season after you've used it as a mulch along garden rows.

Is hay or straw better for compost?

Hay is an excellent choice because as it decomposes it gives rich nutrients to the soil. … Hay decomposes fairly quickly and absorbs moisture more than straw does. This means that in heavy rainfalls it slows down the amount of rain that soaks into the soil.