
How long does a pooja last?

How long does a pooja last?

Depending on traffic and road conditions, it might take little longer. Normally it takes about half an hour to complete Darshan in these temples. It might take longer if you engage a pandit to offer special pooja. Completing Darshan in both places by 1000 HRS is possible if you start early in the morning.

Why pooja is done?

Essentially, Puja is a ceremony or ritual during which we make offerings to a deity in order to receive blessings or good fortune as prasad. … The entire act of Puja is a symbolic means of showing devotion to a deity and surrendering oneself at the altar, as a mark of true worship.

Which Pooja is good for money?

Kuber PujaKuber Puja is performed for the purpose of gaining wealth. This Puja is beneficial for those who are involved in business and facing money problems. By performing Kuber Puja the devotee may receive the blessings and grace of Lord Kuber.

At what time we should do pooja?

Puja should be always performed by facing towards East or North. Consider praying between 6 am to 8 am in the morning. Always consider a woolen mat for prayer. Light diya in the morning as well as evening every day in your puja place.