How is a court order enforced?

How is a court order enforced?

Some legal systems have specific mechanisms to enforce payment. The claimant or a public authority may be able to; Freeze money or property belonging to the paying party or money owed to that party by someone else (this means the party can't use the money or property). Seize property or money of the paying party.

What happens if a parent violates a court order?

Failure to obey a Court Order is contempt of court. Contempt of Court is punishable by fine or imprisonment. More often than not, in the context of Family proceedings, parties purge their contempt by complying with the Court Order or they apply to vary the court order.

What do you do when someone breaches a court order?

If a party is in breach of the order, the other party may make an application to the court to enforce the order. The court may direct the parties to undertake activities designed to help them understand the importance of complying with the order.