How does PTSD affect spouse?
How does PTSD affect spouse?
A PTSD spouse can feel isolated, alienated and frustrated from the inability to work through the problems and help his or her partner. Partners may feel hurt or helpless because their spouse has not been able to get over the trauma. … They may feel pressured, tense, and even controlled by the survivor or by PTSD.
Does PTSD affect intimacy?
There are a number of reasons why a diagnosis of PTSD may increase the risk of sexual dysfunction. … In addition, many people with PTSD may feel disconnected and detached from loved ones, which can greatly interfere with intimacy. PTSD symptoms of anger and irritability have also been found to interfere with intimacy.
Can PTSD destroy a marriage?
PTSD Can Interfere with Relationships Intimate relationships may have episodes of verbal or physical violence. … Alcohol abuse and substance addiction — as an attempt to cope with PTSD — can also negatively impact and even destroy partner relationships or friendships.