How do you water a cactus indoors?

How do you water a cactus indoors?

Water your forest cactus as a normal houseplant during the summer months and when the buds begin to show. During the resting period, only water when the soil is dry to the touch. As with succulents and desert cacti, forest cactus should not be watered heavily during the rest period. Root rot will result.

How do I get my cactus to grow?

Place your cactus on a bright, south-facing window sill or the sunniest spot in your home. Rotate the pot once a week to make sure growth is even. Aim to keep your cactus in an environment with temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer and 45 to 55 degrees during the winter.

Is Cactus good for home?

Cactus plants keep moisture, Shui, and water helps Feng Shui a home for wealth. … It is believed, good Feng Shui and decorating with the cactus plants can redirect the negative energy, balance the house energy flow, and create a better environment that attracts wealth.