
How do you tell how far away a cloud is?

How do you tell how far away a cloud is?

When you look up and over at a 45 angle, (point exactly halfway between straight up and straight over) the cloud you see is directly above the land that is as far away as the cloud is high. So if the clouds are one mile high, the cloud you see at a 45 degree angle is above the land that is 1 mile away.

What is 100 ft long?

How long is 100 feet? It's about one-and-one-tenth times as long as Baseball base distances. In other words, 100 feet is 1.11110 times the length of Baseball base distances, and the length of Baseball base distances is 0.900010 times that amount.

How do you guess yardage?

We can measure their distances using a method called parallax. Back in the 90s a satellite called Hipparcos used parallax to measure the distance to thousands of stars. Once you know how far away a star is you can calculate how bright that star is.

How big is an inch on your finger?

One inch (2.5 cm) is roughly the measurement from the top knuckle on your thumb to your thumb tip. Measure yours to see how close it is to 1 inch. After all, you should always have a thumb handy for a guide for measuring items under 6 inches (15cm)!

How do you triangulate distance?

Display an image in the Image Viewer. Click the Distance tool button in the Image Viewer toolbar or select Measure Distance from the Tools menu. The Distance tool allows you to measure distance with a click-and-drag approach. When you move the pointer over the image, the pointer changes to cross hairs .