How do you survive Mondays?

How do you survive Mondays?

“Monday blues” is a concept that we hear often, these days. Mondays are” blue” precisely because of that sad feeling after the weekend, combined with laziness and lack of interest for pretty much everything. … This day seems to be in January (the third Monday of this month), being named “Blue Monday”.

How do you make Monday fun?

Monday, where sometimes you need to wake up, but rather not and sleep in. You feel warm on the inside, a slob on the outside. Tuesday, where the week is progressing, but you still don't want to wake up at 6 in the morning. … Thursday, where it's a day before friday, and most detested thoughts for monday had disappeared.

How do you make Monday feel like Friday?

The Monday Blues Are Real — Here's How to Beat Them, According to a Doctor. This article by Dr. … It means Monday morning blues — for real! In fact, a recent Monster poll found most of us (76 percent) have something we can call “anticipatory anxiety” just thinking about Monday morning.