How do you shut up an annoying cousin?

How do you shut up an annoying cousin?

Yes, it's normal to feel left out. Sometimes, our cousins are the only friends we have and maybe they don't always want us around. You should probably try to cultivate a circle of friends for yourself. As cousins get older, they sometimes want to ditch us.

How do you tell your cousin to shut up?

Having a crush on your cousin is not horrible and it doesn't make you weird, it's actually pretty normal. If you have a crush on your cousin, it's okay. … It's normal to have a crush and to start to feel things for people that you are around a lot.

Why is my cousin jealous?

If your aunt or cousin is constantly calling out your flaws or saying negative things to you, this is a sign that they are jealous. People who are insecure about themselves try and bring others down to make themselves feel better. They will find fault in almost anything. Try not to let them get to you.

How do you ignore an irritating family member?

To make your cousin jealous, show off your skills and do whatever they do better. Wear your best clothes and style your hair nicely whenever you see your cousin so they'll be jealous of your style. Work hard at your talents so you can show them to your cousin when you see them.

How do you annoy your older cousin?

While from a genealogy standpoint, your cousin's child is your first cousin once removed, but the common name to call them is niece or nephew. They would call you aunt or uncle, and your children would simply call them cousins… although of course, they are really second cousins.

How can I be annoying?

A surefire way to annoy someone is to make annoying sounds around them. You could click a pen over and over until they can't take it anymore. Chew your food loud and obnoxiously with your mouth open near someone you want to annoy. You could also sing a popular song repeatedly to get it stuck in their head.

How do you know if someone is your cousin?

The cousin with the lower number of generations determines the degree of cousinhood—first, second, third and so on. Then subtract the lower number of generations from the higher number to find out how many times removed the cousins are.