Users questions

How do you politely avoid someone?

How do you politely avoid someone?

Use a polite excuse to cut the conversation short.

  1. Say things like, “I’m doing good, but I better get back to work now,” or, “I’m meeting someone for lunch in a few minutes.” Be polite but firm when you tell them you have to go.
  2. Saying something rude or passive-aggressive will only make things worse.

Why is it so hard to cut people out of your life?

A study published this week in the American Sociological Review looked at why it’s so difficult to cut difficult people out of your life. The answer: They’re usually tied to you tightly, either by blood or work.

Is it OK to ignore someone you don’t like?

Ignoring it may help you stay positive without their negativity affecting you. For example, if your office mate constantly complains about how much work they have, try ignoring them so that you don’t feel bad about your own work. You shouldn’t ignore everything.

What to do if someone doesn’t like you?

It can be difficult to be around someone who likes you if you don’t like them back. They may be making you uncomfortable by their crush on you, but you’ve decided you don’t like them in that way. The most honest and mature way to get someone to stop liking you is to just be direct with them and maintain boundaries.

Is it possible to avoid people you don’t like?

It’s unlikely you’ll always be able to avoid people you don’t like — in fact, Patel says if you do this you are only limiting yourself Unless you’re a genetic anomaly, it’s likely you will meet people you don’t like throughout your lifetime.

What’s the best way to get someone to stop liking you?

Probably the easiest way to get someone to stop liking you, especially if you haven’t known them for long, is to just stop responding to them. You can choose to slowly stop responding to their texts and calls, or you can do it all at once. Either way, ignore them.

How to get rid of an obsessive person?

Stand a bit far away from the person and cross your arms over your chest, showing that you’re already retreating. Don’t give the person an opening to try to win you over, promise to change, or even try to touch or hug you. Keep it short. Don’t give the person a lot of time to react.


How do you politely avoid someone?

How do you politely avoid someone?

Try to be as calm about the situation as you can be. Don't blame the person or get angry, just try to be firm in your decision. Tell them your reason and then leave. Don't let yourself get drawn into a long discussion – if you are making this decision you should be completely sure before you say anything.