How do you make the end of old age die?

How do you make the end of old age die?

If the player saves their game in the middle of the battle and waits over a week before playing again, The End will have died of old age. The player can also just set their PlayStation 2's internal clock a week ahead to get the same result.

How do you kill the end early?

Use your sniper rifle to kill The End before he gets inside. A wheelchair wheel will fly toward you and knock you down to let you know he is dead.

How long is Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater?

CQC is the easiest way to beat the boss, so I'd suggest to continue with this method, as it takes a lot of stamina from her. When Snake grunts, when she tries CQC, hold O, Snake will counter. Then shoot her in the face with the Mk. 22, then CQC slam her, then shoot her in the face with the Mk.

Where is the sniper rifle in mgs3?

It's also in Ponizovje(SP?) West in the Armory. If you don't get it in Ponizovje West, It will be in Sokrovennd South in the Armory when you fight The End.

How do you get Moss camo in mgs3?

The best way to destroy End Crystals is to look for healing beams, then follow them back to the crystals. Pull out your Bow and shoot them with arrows until they blow up. With the End Crystals destroyed, go after The Ender Dragon with your Bow. Aim for its head for quadruple damage.

Where does Snake Eater take place?

In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, it was implied that Tselinoyarsk was located in present-day Tajikistan, which lies adjacent to Pakistan, separated by the narrow Wakhan Corridor. However, the Metal Gear Solid 4 Database states that it was in the southeast of the Soviet Union.