
How do you make a cover for a bird cage?

How do you make a cover for a bird cage?

Parrots have an instinctual need to chew wood. If you are making your own bird toys, remember that NOT ALL WOODS ARE BIRD SAFE. Avoid Cedar, Red Cherry, Plywood. Oak and especially pressure treated woods.

Can you use a dog cage for a bird?

Many dog crates are galvanized (zinc coated) but some are powdercoated and would be safe – in fact, many people use small dog crates as travel cages for larger birds. But, realistically, putting mesh over a dog crate to hold small birds would not work out well.

What is a flight cage for birds?

A flight cage allows your pet birds to utilize their natural abilities and instincts. These flight cages offer the space and width your bird needs to stretch his wings. Flight cages enable birds to do what they were created to do—fly.

What are bird cages made out of?

Most parrot cages are made of wrought iron and painted with a non-toxic paint referred to as powder-coating. A newer trend is cages made of solid stainless steel. Large parrot cages made of stainless steel are costly but will outlast a powder-coated cage by 5 to 6 times.