
How do you know if it’s a rebound or real love?

How do you know if it’s a rebound or real love?

Rebounds are about feeling loved; the real thing is about wanting to love. Every relationship is a rebound of sorts if it doesn't end in love. … However, as soon as you realize that he or she's just a rebound, cut things off.

How do you know it’s not a rebound?

The answer isn't as cut and dry as one might think. According to James Nelmondo, rebound relationships can last anywhere from a few months to a year, but it is all dependent on whether the rebounder feels comfortable enough to be on their own again.

How soon is too soon after a breakup?

“Most people probably wait at least a month if they had a relationship that was at least a few months long,” Sherman told INSIDER. “If it was a more significant relationship then they may take longer, like three months or more to start dating again.” Still, you don't need to get hung up on a particular deadline.

Is my ex’s rebound serious?

If you're wondering is my ex in a rebound relationship, one of the biggest indicators of it is if they started dating someone really fast after the breakup. If you two have only broken up a couple weeks ago and they're already dating someone new, chances are it's nothing serious and they're just “on the rebound.”

How long does the honeymoon phase last in a rebound relationship?

Expect this phase to last about one month in a rebound relationship. The honeymoon period is where your ex and the person he or she is with are having fun. The new person can do no wrong. They look at them as the epitome of everything they've ever wanted in a partner.