How do you get trainer points on Nintendogs Dalmatian and Friends?
How do you get trainer points on Nintendogs Dalmatian and Friends?
Easy Trainer Points Get a wire or rubber brush, and brush your dog, but leave the brush in one spot, every 1-24 min. you will get about 3 trainer points. Plug in your charger because it will take a while. In 8 hours (The time it takes you to sleep) you will earn about 700 trainer points.
How do you get a lot of money on Nintendogs?
Money can be earned two ways on Nintendogs: contests and selling items. Dogs can be trained and participate in three different types of contests: Obedience Trials, Agility Trials, and Disc Competitions.
How do you unlock all breeds in Nintendogs?
How to Unlock All Nintendog Breeds. Get other dogs by linking your DS with other players, but you can also unlock everything by simply playing the game. If you're playing an imported version of Nintendogs, then the requirements for unlockables may differ. Collect 14,000 owner points.
What do Trainer Points get you on Nintendogs?
Trainer Points are a measurement of the player's capability and experience as a dog trainer in Nintendogs. These points are used to measure the player's rank as a trainer, unlock new breeds and interiors, unlock certain items in the local store, and allows them to teach advanced tricks to their dogs.