How do you get the money rock in Animal Crossing?

How do you get the money rock in Animal Crossing?

To find the money rock, go around your island hitting all the rocks with a shovel. Once you strike the money rock, there will be a limited amount of time to continue hitting it before it stops spitting out money. After time is up or eight items come out of the rock, it'll stop spitting out items.

How do you get a lot of money in Animal Crossing City Folk?

Sell any items you get in the mail. If you get a fruit that is not native to your town in the mail, make sure to plant it somewhere near your house as soon as you get it. Spend 15 minutes talking to every person in your town at least three times. Sell every item you get and keep the profit.

How do you get the most rocks in Animal Crossing?

Veterans of the Animal Crossing series will no doubt have tried the time-honoured trick which enables you to bag the maximum number of resources from hitting rocks. It involves having something behind you that prevents each strike pushing you away from the stone.

How many times can I hit a rock Animal Crossing?

The exact location of the money rock is random every day, so you will need to go around the island and strike rocks until you find the right one. The money rock only appears once per day, and it can be struck a total of eight times, if done properly.