
How do you get smart shoes in GTA 4?

How do you get smart shoes in GTA 4?

One is located in Middle Park East, at the corner of Pyrite Avenue and Bismarck Avenue. The other can be found at the corner of Amethyst Street and Amsterdam Lane in the Exchange neighborhood. Enter the store and talk to the clerk. You need to purchase a complete suit of clothes, including wingtip shoes.

Where is the interview GTA 4?

Final Interview… Head over to the police station on Kunzite Street on the west side of Algonquin. Then, get out of your car and head on inside. A cutscene will ensue with Niko and Francis McReary.

Where can I get smart clothes in GTA 4?

One is located in Middle Park East, at the corner of Pyrite Avenue and Bismarck Avenue. The other can be found at the corner of Amethyst Street and Amsterdam Lane in the Exchange neighborhood. Enter the store and talk to the clerk. You need to purchase a complete suit of clothes, including wingtip shoes.