How do you get a Scorpio?

How do you get a Scorpio?

The absolute BEST way to figure out if someone is a Scorpio is by their eyes. They are typically piercing with strong intensity. If you are stared down by a Scorpio it may make you feel extremely uncomfortable, and that's usually the intention. It's almost as though we are penetrating your soul with our intense gaze.

What sign is Scorpio attracted to?

If you're wondering whether or not a they'll reciprocate your love, these zodiac signs make the best matches for Scorpio: Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces.

What are Scorpios afraid of?

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Fear of intimacy Scorpios are dark, deep, complex people. … Abandonment and engulfment are the two factors that create this fear of intimacy in Scorpios. They are afraid of others eventually leaving them, or they are terrified of losing their individuality to a relationship.