How do you fix dry Fimo clay?

How do you fix dry Fimo clay?

In general, the basic procedure is to chop up the clay in tiny bits (with a blade, crumble it up, or use an old thrift store food processor). Then add some Sculpey Clay Softener, mineral or baby oil , or liquid polymer clay to it. Mix it up, put it in a ziploc sandwich bag, and leave it alone for a few days.

Does Fimo clay dry out?

Sculpey, Cernit & Fimo Soft. Polymer clays are plastic modelling compounds that come in many colors, can be formed into any shape, and will bake permanently hard in a home oven. They won't dry out until they are baked hard (if properly stored, kept cool and dark).

Why is Fimo clay so hard?

Softening Hard Fimo Clay Purchase a package of Fimo Mix Quick if the Fimo clay has been exposed to excessive heat or warm air, or has simply been sitting around for a long time, making it hard to condition. Mix Quick is a clear plasticizer that helps soften hardened Fimo clay.

Can I use olive oil to soften polymer clay?

So you can use Sculpey Clay Conditioner, oils (baby oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, mineral oil) to soften polymer clay. … Cut up, crumble or break down the hardened polymer clay into small pieces. Put into zip lock bag or use cling wrap.