How do you find the end in Metal Gear Solid 3?

How do you find the end in Metal Gear Solid 3?

To find the End, you can use the Microphone to find out where he might be located, use it to hear him breathing and saying his own name, and sometimes sleeping, if the sound is clear on the Microphone, then you're facing the direction of his location.

How old is the end mgs3?

100 years oldThe End was the legendary "Ancient Sniper" of the Cobra Unit. He was over 100 years old when he was defeated by Naked Snake in 1964.

How did the sorrow die?

After the war, The Sorrow worked for the Soviet Union. … Before he died, The Sorrow told The Boss that "the spirit of the warrior [would] always be with [her]." He was then killed by a bullet to the left eye that shattered his glasses.