How do you describe someone with a bubbly personality?
How do you describe someone with a bubbly personality?
When you think of a bubbly person, you likely imagine someone with high spirits, someone who is lively, animated, and fun to be around, and someone who is effusive, vivacious, and enthusiastic about life. A bubbly person is someone who appears confident, gives off a positive attitude, and exudes an attractive charisma.
What does it mean to be listless?
A woman feeling listless. Licensed from iStockPhoto. adjective. The definition of listless is someone who is lacking in energy or vitality and does not extend physical effort. An example of someone who would be described as listless is a depressed person who lays around all day.
What is the synonym of bubbly?
SYNONYMS. vivacious, animated, ebullient, lively, full of life, spirited, high-spirited, scintillating, vibrant, zestful, energetic, dynamic. bubbling, effervescent, sparkling, bouncy, buoyant, carefree, happy-go-lucky.