
How do you deal with repeated disappointment?

How do you deal with repeated disappointment?

Face the truth of the situation. Awareness is the first step to change. Be willing to face the problem—but don't dwell on it 24 hours a day. This will just make you feel worse. Think about it enough to understand what you feel and the best way to respond, then focus on something more positive.

Why do I always get disappointed?

Being rejected, let down, or betrayed can trigger feelings of sadness, anxiety, or anger. It's important to acknowledge these feelings, rather than trying to shove them down. … Therefore, it's natural to feel disappointed and let down when the people you trust don't come through for you.

How can disappointments have a good side?

Know that disappointment is a better emotional state than apathy. When someone is apathetic, they feel indifferent about everything. … But here, you recognize your emotions and you feel them — be it good or bad. This is a good thing, because to feel is to be in touch with your inner self.