How do you deal with an angry elder?

How do you deal with an angry elder?

Remember that the senior may still feel upset, so try to be reassuring while carrying on as normal. Make sure you have someone you can talk to about the incident. Take care of your own emotional needs and seek the help of your doctor, family members, community support groups, counsellor or dementia support worker.

Why do the elderly get so angry?

For seniors poor health can turn into feelings of fear, vulnerability, loss of independence and eventually, anger. Depression. Depression can be long-term or short-lived depending on the root causes. … Some causes include social isolation, poor physical health, poor eating habits, and recent loss.

Why is my 70 year old husband so grumpy?

'Grumpy Old Man' syndrome is also and most likely due to the fact that testosterone levels in a 70-year-old are quite probably half the normal levels of a younger man. … Stress, toxicity, a poor diet with too many bad fats, autoimmune diseases and some drugs can also lead to a drop in testosterone levels.