How do you become emotionless spell?

How do you become emotionless spell?

Being in a relationship with a partner with alexithymia can be extremely difficult because one of the main characteristics of this condition is lack of empathy. If your significant other has alexithymia, you won't get the emotional validation or authentic intimacy that make a relationship meaningful and genuine.

How do I become less cold hearted?

Cold hearted or not you are still human. Even if you are a cold hearted or the person is you slowly open your heart. Cold hearted people take more effort to love or be loved for them to love you back.

How do you not cry?

It's been theorized by many that people who are often viewed as “cold” or “heartless” might actually be protecting themselves from getting hurt emotionally. … These feelings result in emotional pain. By being cold or heartless, people can avoid the risk of betrayal, and therefore the risk of emotional pain.

What makes a person cold hearted?

Someone with a 'cold heart' will often try to control the people around them through manipulation. This is because they often lack empathy for other people. … A cold-hearted person will try to manipulate everyone around them. They may try to get close to people and find out information that is useful to them.

What is alexithymia?

Alexithymia is a personal trait characterized by the subclinical inability to identify and describe emotions experienced by one's self or others. The core characteristics of alexithymia are marked dysfunction in emotional awareness, social attachment, and interpersonal relating.

Who has alexithymia?

Alexithymia also has links with autism. Up to 13% of the population experience alexithymia, according to some research. It is more common in males than females, with one study among a prison population in China indicating that over 30% of the prisoners experienced it.