How do you beat the Star Destroyer in force unleashed?

How do you beat the Star Destroyer in force unleashed?

walk into the middle of the platform and force grasp the Star Destroyer. you need to angle it from sideways to facing you directly, the paddle markers in the middle of the screen will lose the red hue behind them and gain a GREEN hue.

How do you pull down the Star Destroyer in force unleashed?

The basic plan is to use your unleashed force powers to rotate the destroyer into the right position such that you can pull it down to the surface of Raxus Prime. When you have the destroyer grabbed, you're presented with a diagram of the two analog sticks that allow you to push it right or left, up or down.

How do you kill TIE fighters in force unleashed?

You can grab quit a few without even batting an eyelash. The bonus objective to destroy five TIE fighters should be done here in the hangar instead of later. Simply Force Grip any of the TIE vessels hanging on the launch rails and pull down. Blow up five and you score yourself a level-up orb.

How strong is Starkiller?

Starkiller is very strong, he beat the Vader AND the Emperor, but the died pretty young, imho he had the potential to become the strongest ever if he had lived longer. Darth Sidius is above Vader and Yoda.