
How do you address elder sister in Arabic?

How do you address elder sister in Arabic?

أخت كبرى (ʾḫt kubrā) older sister (phrase) Share free language content with your readers with the Arabic Word of the Day with Audio Widget.

What is the plural of sister in Arabic?

The correct (classical Arabic) is to say: Ikh-wahإخوة(plural)= brothers, Akha-waatأخوات (plural) = sisters. Akhأخ= brother (singular), Ukhtأخت = sister (singular).

How do you say sister in cool?

Nicknames For Sister

  1. Bitsy.
  2. Issy.
  3. See see.
  4. Sissy.
  5. Sista.
  6. Sistie.
  7. Sis.
  8. Miss sis.

How do you address an older sister in Thai?

4- Older Sister in Thai “The name of my father’s older sister is Tara.” How to address/endearment terms: In Thai, people call a sibling who is older than them พี่ (phîi) + name, regardless of their sibling’s gender.

How do you say Mom in Arabic?

mom/mother is said “UMM” in arabic….

  1. Mother (the general term) = أم (pronounced OMM).
  2. Mom, as in possessive or as if you are calling to her (equivalent to “my mother” or “mother”) = أمي (pronounced OMMEE).
  3. OMMAH (أماه) is almost the same as the second one, it’s like calling but more dramatic.

How do you say sister in Islam?

In Arabic language, sister is أخت (ukht).

How do you say sister in Egyptian?

My sister / Your sister / Sister / Sisters. : OKHtee / OKHtuck / OHT / okhWEHT. In Egyptian Arabic, the words “sisters”, “brothers”, and “siblings” are all the same word “اخواتي”. You can understand the meaning from the context. Dad. : AWB / BAba.

How do you say sisters in Islam?

The Arabic word for “sister” is أخت , which can be actually written in many ways in Latin script( okht, oukht, ukht ).

What do you call your cousin?

Nicknames for Cousins Based on Physical Traits

  • Shortie.
  • Beanpole.
  • Freckles.
  • Tiny.
  • Tank.
  • Spunky.
  • Smiles.
  • GQ – for a handsome cousin.

What does Khun Pi mean?

name? Khun is also used as a term of respect, as in; khun mae = respected mother; khun kru = respected. teacher. Phee or P’ placed before a male or female forename means “older sibling”, as in: Phee Yai = older.

How do you say mom in Islam?

The words for ‘mother’ in Arabic are “Umm” (أم) and “Waleda” (والدة) However, in the Arabic language, a word may have many synonyms. But, no two are exactly the same.

How do you say mom in Egyptian?

It is “أُم” (umm) ، mother. “My mother”, willl be “أمي” (Ummī), but “Oh my mother!”, or “Oh mother!”, will be “يا أمي” (Yā Ummī).

What does Baji mean?

Baji in URDU is used for an elder sister or any woman elder than you . Word “Aapa” is also used for an elder female if a younger person calling / refering her . Aapa is a substitude word for Baji .

How do you say family in Egyptian?

Vocabulary To Talk About Your Family in Egyptian Arabic

  1. Family.
  2. Brother / s. : AKH / akhWEHT.
  3. My brother / Your brother / My brothers. : awKHOOyuh / awKHWEHT / awKHWEHtee.
  4. My sister / Your sister / Sister / Sisters. : OKHtee / OKHtuck / OHT / okhWEHT.
  5. Dad. : AWB / BAba.
  6. Mom. : OME / MAma.
  7. Grandpa. : GEHD.

What is the status of wife in Islam?

Marriage fulfills both the husband and wife with happiness and security. This helps create feelings of love and mercy towards each other. It helps in creating a healthy society with qualities of love, respect and honor.

What Quran says about sisters?

“No two people who love one another for the sake of Allah, or for the sake of Islam, will let the first minor offense of either of them come between them.” This hadith and others tell us that prolonged estrangement from our sister is not acceptable.

What are cute names to call cousins?

List Of Funny Nicknames For Cousins

  • Anheuser.
  • Cousin First.
  • Little cousin.
  • Partner.
  • Second brother.
  • Half brother.
  • Jolly Roger.
  • Belch.