How do they celebrate Christmas in Spain?

How do they celebrate Christmas in Spain?

It is called Epiphany and is celebrated on 6th January. In Spanish, Epiphany is called 'Fiesta de Los tres Reyes Mages': in English this means 'The festival of the three Magic Kings'. … And on Epiphany Eve (January 5th) they leave shoes on windowsills or balconies or under the Christmas Tree to be filled with presents.

Do the Spanish have Christmas trees?

In Spain, the Christmas kicks off far later than at home: lights are usually lit in the main cities during the first week of December rather than in October or November, like in the UK. Christmas trees are popular in people's homes but again, they aren't put up until the second half of December.

What happens on the 22 of December in Spain?

Christmas Presents – Regalos Típicos Most Spanish people keep their fingers crossed for a Christmas windfall, courtesy of the world-renowned lottery draw, El Gordo, literally The Fat One. This is a long, drawn-out event that unfolds on the morning of December 22nd.

What do Spanish people drink at Christmas?

To drink: No festive celebration is complete without Cava, and lots of it, so if you want to eat like a true Spaniard, wash it all down with a glass or three of Spain's sparkling wine. ¡Feliz navidad!