How do I transfer my MMSI number?

How do I transfer my MMSI number?

Please have the previous owner log in at or contact us at 1-800-563-1536 to cancel the MMSI account and make the number available to you. Once the account has been cancelled we will have authorization to transfer the registration over to a new owner and set up account access in the new owners name.

Do I need a radio Licence for my boat?

Your vessel must have an up-to-date radio licence for your fixed radio. When you apply for a radio licence you will give information about your boat and the type of safety equipment onboard. … If you have a DSC radio you will also get an MMSI number – a boat telephone number.

Do you need a license for a VHF radio in Canada?

After April 1999, VHF Radios on pleasure boats are no longer 'required' to have a ship station licence within Canadian waters due to changes to the Industry Canada Radiocommunications Regulations (Section 15.2 Exemption of Radio Apparatus on Board a Ship).

How do I get a VHF license?

PROCEDURES TO APPLY FOR A SHIP STATION LICENSE: Complete the ICASA VHF Ship Station License application form , available from a Radio Dealer or the ICASA website. Pay the required fee over to ICASA as per Bank details below , add your name and “Ship Station Application” as a reference number.

How do I get a vessel call sign?

The Call Sign can be found on the ShipTracks Dashboard after clicking on a vessel you've searched for. The window pane will open and to rows down you will see the information.

Do you need a Licence for a handheld VHF radio?

The Marine Radio Short Range Certificate remains a legal requirement for the use of marine VHF. All radios require the user and the vessel to hold a relevant licence. … The user requires a radio 'driving licence' and two different types are available.

Can you use a marine radio in a vehicle?

Mounting a marine radio in the car is not the issue. Transmitting with the radio is. Unless your on the water (NOT NEAR IT) you cant use a marine radio without a shore use license.

Do you need a Licence for VHF marine radio?

Marine radio licensing. You need a licence for a VHF on a boat and a different one for the operator. … The vessel's licence is like a car tax disc, but it is also the key to obtaining an MMSI number, which will uniquely identify your vessel. You can obtain an application form for a ship's radio OFCOM.

What is DSC marine radio?

Digital selective calling or DSC is a standard for transmitting pre-defined digital messages via the medium-frequency (MF), high-frequency (HF) and very-high-frequency (VHF) maritime radio systems. It is a core part of the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS).

How do I get a ham radio license in Canada?

The only way to get your Canadian Amateur Radio Operator Certificate is to successfully complete the Canadian basic amateur qualification examination with a mark of 70% or greater.

What is MMSI on VHF radio?

A MMSI number (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) is a nine-digit number that identifies your boat for marine traffic monitoring systems. The unique identifier facilitates VHF communications, customs and border security, emergency response, and commercial call tracking and billing.