
How do I stop letting things bother me?

How do I stop letting things bother me?

Within the words we speak is an emotional potency. … Words influence others and build relationships at work and personally. They can tear down relationships. Simply put, language holds massive, colossal power to manifest change, whether it's good or bad.

Can words really hurt you?

Words Really Do Hurt. April 2, 2010 — Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can hurt you too, according to new research. A new study suggests merely saying, "This may hurt a bit," before receiving a shot may be enough to trigger a pain response in the brain long before any actual pain is felt.

What is it called when someone twists your words?

That's a form of abuse called “gaslighting”, in which the abuser keeps twisting situations to make you think you are the one who's being impossible or losing your mind. This is who they are.