
How do I set the print area in OpenOffice spreadsheet?

How do I set the print area in OpenOffice spreadsheet?

Choose Format > Print Ranges > Define Print Range. The page break lines will display on screen. You can check the print range by using File > Page Preview. OOo will only display the cells in the print range.

How do I apply a formula to an entire column in OpenOffice?

Re: Apply same formula to each cell in column Select a range, enter the formula and finish input hitting Alt+Enter to enter the same formula into the selected range. A double-click on the tiny cell-handle drags down a cell until the end of the adjacent left neigbour column.

How do I format cells in OpenOffice spreadsheet?

To set text to wrap at the end of the cell, right-click on the cell and select Format Cells (or choose Format > Cells from the menu bar, or press Ctrl+1). On the Alignment tab, under Properties, select Wrap text automatically.