
How do I price clothes for a garage sale?

How do I price clothes for a garage sale?

Adult Clothes: $3 to $5 will work for most pants, shirts, sweaters, and the like. If it still has the original price tag and is unworn, up the price. Baby Clothes: $1 to $3 is a good range for gently used clothing, though you can drop it to 50 cents for those that have seen more use.

Where can I post my garage sale for free?

Post your sale on gsalr.com and it is automatically published on these other popular sites: YardSaleSearch.com, YardSales.net, GarageSaleFinder.com and GarageSalesTracker.com.

How much petty cash should be on hand at a yard sale?

Get two rolls of quarters, a stack of 50 $1 bills, 10 $5 bills, and 5 $10 bills. Do it two days before the sale so that, if you forget, you can still get the change on the day before.

How do you hang clothes for a garage sale?

Try standing up 2 ladders and run a PVC pipe or a rod across the rungs of both ladders to create a rack. You could even hang a chain from a dresser, pole, or tree and put the hangers in the links. Place the clothing racks in the front of the sale.