How do I know if a boy likes me?

How do I know if a boy likes me?

Watching His Body Language and Behavior. See if he makes eye contact with you when you're around. If you notice the guy looking you in the eyes, try meeting his gaze with a smile, and hold it for a few seconds. If he doesn't look away, he might be interested in you, especially if he smiles back.

How can I impress a boy in school?

Find out some of the things he likes and surprise him. Find out what type of cookie or snack he likes. Bring them to school and put them in his locker with a nice note. Make him a playlist of his favorite music and send it to him.

How do you know if a boy is interested in you?

If your crush tries to get your attention by talking to you, making eye contact with you, or when he looks at you then looks quickly away and tries to get to know you then go for it! There's a chance he really likes you or wants to be good friends. That's a great sign!