How do I keep squirrels out of my vegetable garden?

How do I keep squirrels out of my vegetable garden?

Spread some mulch. Although squirrels are natural diggers, you can discourage digging and help protect seedlings by covering the soil around your plants with a layer of mulch. Cover your plants. Consider using a physical barrier, such as plastic netting, fencing, or chicken wire, to help keep your plants from harm.

How do I protect my rabbits from my vegetable garden?

Bird or deer netting works well to protect seedlings or young plants. Simply place netting over plants and anchor the edges. Use chicken wire with one-inch or smaller mesh. As shown in the illustration at the top of the page, fencing should be at least 2 feet high to prevent rabbits from jumping over.

How do I protect my vegetable garden from rodents?

Here are several steps you can take to keep rodents out of the garden: Remove their shelter— Rats and mice like to make nests in brush piles, wood piles and tall grass. Keep grass cut throughout the gardening season. Don't pile spent plants near your garden; bag them and discard them in the trash.