How do I join freenode IRC?

How do I join freenode IRC?

You can connect to freenode by pointing your IRC client at on ports 6665-6667 and 8000-8002 for plain-text connections, or ports 6697, 7000 and 7070 for SSL-encrypted connections.

Is IRC open source?

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is one of the main communication channels for open source projects. You can freely join a channel that suits your interests if you are looking for help or interested in contributing.

How do I register freenode?

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an application layer protocol that facilitates communication in the form of text. The chat process works on a client/server networking model.

How do you use Nickserv?

Each time you connect, you should sign in, or "identify" yourself, using the following command: /msg nickserv identify Your-Nick Your-Password. Your-Nick is your account-name which is usually the same as your nickname. SASL is the recommended way to identify, if your client supports it.

How do I change nick in IRC?

Connect to Typically, this can be accomplished with the command /server If your client has not provided you with the option already, select a nickname. You can typically change your nickname with the command /nick NewNickname .