
How do I join Blackwood company in Oblivion?

How do I join Blackwood company in Oblivion?

You can join the Blackwood Company by talking first to Ja'Fazir, the Khajiit in the Blackwood Company Hall in Leyawiin, or Jeetum-Ze, the Argonian in the same place.

What is the best weapon in Oblivion?

The Umbra Sword is a one-handed longsword found in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

What is the best light armor in Oblivion?

Glass is the best light armor, Shrouded armor is good for sneaking around places and getting up behind things to do sneak attacks.

Where do I find glass armor?

Location. The armor can be found on a Bosmer named Umbra inside the Ayleid ruin of Vindasel, southwest of the Imperial City. It is east along the road from Clavicus Vile's Shrine, and west of Pell's Gate and the Old Bridge.

How do you get gold Daedric armor in Oblivion?

Perfect Amber and Madness Armor is obtained by being level 25+ i have a set of both and it may be the best armor in/out of the Shivering Isles. Just work until level 25 ( like Daedra and glass armor) and start saving your amber and madness ore.

Where can I buy Mithril armor in Oblivion?

Locations. Mithril armor will begin to appear in shops and as loot at level 10. This is the highest class of light armor that shops will normally sell.

What level does Daedric armor appear in Skyrim?

Unenchanted pieces of daedric armor will begin to appear throughout Skyrim at level 48, and enchanted armor will begin to appear at level 49. Found as random loot in "boss" chests after level 49+. Unenchanted pieces dropped as random loot by Revered or Legendary Dragons.

Where is the roxey Inn in Oblivion?

Oblivion:Roxey Inn. The Roxey Inn is an inn on the Red Ring Road, northeast of the Imperial City (quest-related). The publican, Malene, buys potions and food while only selling the latter.