
How do I grill fruit on the grill?

How do I grill fruit on the grill?

Grill fruit over high heat for three minutes without moving or turning it to get the perfect sear (and coveted grill marks!). Flip and cook for one to three minutes more.

Is grilled fruit healthy?

Grilling fruits and vegetables is a great idea, whether or not you're grilling meat or fish to go with them. … But here's the best part: PAHs and HCAs don't form on grilled fruits and vegetables. Plus, if you are having grilled meat, it's a great idea to get antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables in the same meal.

Can you grill frozen fruit?

Turn up the heat to turn up the flavor. … If you ever have more fruit than you know what do with, fruit that isn't quite ripe, frozen fruit, or if you just want to make your fruity flavors pop, grilling or roasting fruit is the way to go.