How do I get the shine back on my golf clubs?
How do I get the shine back on my golf clubs?
Scrub your soapy club with a bristled brush to remove any remaining dirt. Dip your club back into the soapy water and rinse with clean water. Dry your club with a dry towel. Scrub with a club cleaning product such as Golf Shine and wipe clean when finished to add extra shine.
Can you use wd40 on golf clubs?
Clean and protect golf clubs Whether you're a duffer or a pro, you can protect and clean your clubs by spraying them with WD-40 after each use. Also use WD-40 to help loosen stuck-on spikes.
What’s the best thing to clean golf clubs with?
To clean your golf clubs we recommend you start with a simple plastic bucket, but a bathroom or kitchen sink will do the job just as well. You'll also need luke warm water, a splash of washing up liquid, an old towel, and an old toothbrush, nylon brush or brush with plastic bristles.
How do you get scuff marks off golf clubs?
Buff out the scratches with 220-grit sandpaper that's been soaked in water for 15 minutes if the scratches are small. Alternatively, try a rotary sander for deeper scratches. Either way, finish sanding with wet 400-grit sandpaper. Wipe the club head with a clean cloth to remove the sanding residue.