
How do I get rid of mealybugs on plants naturally?

How do I get rid of mealybugs on plants naturally?

Add 1 1/2 tablespoon of Neem oil, 1 tablespoon of mild liquid soap in a liter of lukewarm water. Fill this solution in a spray bottle and spray this on the affected plants. This treatment can eradicate the mealybugs and any other kind of pest infestation or fungal growth, gradually, after a few uses.

How do mealy bugs start?

Mealybugs start out as eggs and then move into larval and adult stages. Females lay up to 500 eggs in a cottony egg sac attached to plants, fruit, bark or twigs. After about 10 days, the egg sac hatches and the babies quickly spread out over the plant looking for feeding sites.

Will vinegar kill mealybugs?

From my experience, apple cider vinegar will kill mealybugs, but you'll need to use a lot of it for it to be effective.

How do you get rid of root mealybugs?

Mix up a solution of 1 part pure hydrogen peroxide (with no additives) to 4-5 parts water. Mix well and water the plant, making sure to thoroughly drench all parts of the soil. The hydrogen peroxide will fizz; that's what kills the larvae and the eggs. Repeat in 2 weeks for a larger pot; in 7-10 days for a small pot.