
How do I get in touch with PayPal customer service?

How do I get in touch with PayPal customer service?

You can add up to 7 email addresses to your PayPal account. If a buyer sends their payment to an email address that you haven't added to your account, we'll send an email to that address. After you add that address to your PayPal account, the money appears in your PayPal account.

How can I put money in my PayPal account?

You do not necessarily need a bank account linked to your Paypal account. … For other countries (like the U.S) you can receive money into your Paypal account without linking it to any bank account. The money in the Paypal account can be withdrawn using a check request (chargeable).

Is PayPal safe?

For the most part, PayPal is safe when you use it to send money. Nothing is completely risk-free—glitches and data breaches are possible anywhere. But PayPal is a reputable company with enough security and consumer protection in place to keep you relatively safe online.