How do I find the main drain line in my house?

How do I find the main drain line in my house?

If you want to get hold of your property's existing drainage plans, it is possible to contact your local water authority. … And generally, the drainage plans provided from your local water authority will snow you the location of all main drains on your road and not the private drainage system of your property.

How deep can you dig without calling 811?

There is no allotted depth before a person needs to call 811. Whether you are just planting small shrubs or installing fences, CGA says any time you are putting a shovel in the ground you need to call due to the fact that many utilities are buried just a few inches below the surface.

How deep do you have to bury a sewer line?

The depth at which you reach the sewer line will vary. It can be as shallow as 18 to 30 inches or as much as 5 or 6 feet. In cold climates, the pipe will be buried deeper to prevent the pipe from freezing in the winter.

Do sewer pipes run under houses?

A lateral drain might run under your property if you share a sewer with your neighbour. A sewer collects water and waste from the drains of a number of buildings. Most sewers are publicly owned and are maintained by your water company. However, there are still some privately owned sewers.

Do sewer lines run to the street?

Of course, you're always responsible for the sewer line from your house to the street. But even when the city sewer line is clogged, the repair costs could come from your pocket. Here are some things you should know about the sewer lines on and around your property.

How deep are residential utility lines typically buried?

The minimum depth requirement of a direct burial cable is 24 inches, except when installed under a concrete slab with a minimum thickness of 2 inches. In this case, the cable can be installed at only 18 inches deep.

What is a clean out sewer line?

The sewer clean out is a pipe with a cap that provides access to the sewer line so that blockages can be removed. The lateral sewer line is the sewer line that connects your home to the public sewer system. The sewer clean out is usually located somewhere along the lateral sewer line.

How do you find out where gas lines are buried?

The best way to locate gas and other utility lines that are underground before you dig is by calling 811. When you make a free call to this federally designated number, your address, information on where you're planning to dig and other information will be sent to any affected utility operators.

How do you hook up a sewer line?

The minimum depth requirement of a direct burial cable is 24 inches, except when installed under a concrete slab with a minimum thickness of 2 inches. In this case, the cable can be installed at only 18 inches deep.

Where are utility lines usually located?

Private utility lines are buried utilities that are located on common or private property between the meter and a home or a commercial building. Examples of private utilities are: underground sewer line from the main line in the street to the house or building.

Where are the gas pipes in my house?

Houses with natural gas have a main shutoff valve (Fig. A) located just before the gas meter. This valve, often called the street-side valve, is normally a rectangular nub (Photo 1). When the long side of the nub or handle is parallel to the incoming gas line, it's open and the gas is flowing.