How do I clean the front camera lens on my iPhone?

How do I clean the front camera lens on my iPhone?

I use a lens cleaning cloth, (the kind you get free with some screen devices, or at your eye doctor, or any scrap of microfiber). Fold a triangle so you have a sharp corner and work it in there and twist. It makes a big difference when using face chat. Stay away from Q-Tips and tissues.

How do I get rid of black spots on my phone camera lens?

So, it has to be one of three causes: you either have a bad scratch or scratches on the lens of your camera or you have moisture inside your iPhone, or there is the possibility that your lens is just dirty. … Take a slightly damp cloth with a little bit of gentle soap on it, and rub the lens. Then, dry it off.

How do I clean the dust out of my phone camera lens?

The most basic thing is that take a microfiber cloth and Fold like a triangle so you have a sharp corner and work it in there and clean the lens. 2. You can buy lens cleaning cloths at many stores. Keep a packet on hand and remember to wipe off your lens occasionally.

How do I clean the dust out of my phone camera lens without opening it?

The most basic thing is that take a microfiber cloth and Fold like a triangle so you have a sharp corner and work it in there and clean the lens. 2. You can buy lens cleaning cloths at many stores. Keep a packet on hand and remember to wipe off your lens occasionally.

How do you get water out of your phone camera without rice?

Blow water off of the phone components and wipe them dry with a towel. Blowing on the electrical parts of your phone will remove the majority of water from them. Wiping the phone parts down with a clean, dry towel will remove any remaining moisture on the parts' surface.

How do I clean the inside of my camera lens?

Place a few drops of lens cleaning solution onto a lens cleaning cloth available from camera shops. Clean the inside lens by rubbing gently with the slightly dampened cleaning cloth. Never apply cleaning solution directly to the lens surface as the fluid could seep inside the sealed glass elements and fog the lens.

How do you get water out of front camera?

The two best methods of removing moisture from your phone camera and the phone itself is with silica gel packets and uncooked rice. The gel packets are common in newly purchased electronic items, shoes, clothing and anything that is sensitive to moisture. You may find packets at an electronic store.