Common questions

How do I calculate how much wallpaper I need?

How do I calculate how much wallpaper I need?

Measure the width of each wall where you would like to apply the wallpaper and add them all together (“Combined Width”). Measure the height of the walls. Multiply the Combined Width by the height of the walls – this is the total square footage (“TSF”) of wall space you need to cover with wallpaper.

How many drops of wallpaper do I need?

Taking a quick measurement of your wall length and ceiling height will confirm how many drops you can expect from your roll of wallpaper. Typically, ceiling height is around 2760mm. If this is the case, you will get three drops from a standard 10m length & 53.5cm width of wallpaper.

How much does a standard roll of wallpaper cover?

Depending on the wallpaper sheet width, a double roll covers 57 to 61 square feet, while a single roll is 29 to 31 square feet.

How do you measure wallpaper for a ceiling?

Add 4 inches to the length measurement. Divide the length of the wallpaper roll — found on the packaging label — by the length of the room and call it “A.” Divide the width of the room by the width of the wallpaper roll and call it “B.” To determine the number of rolls required, divide “B” by “A.”

How many square feet is a normal wall?

In the above figure, each wall is 12′ long with an 8′ ceiling. Multiply 12 x 8 = 96 square feet for each wall, then multiply 96 x 4 (since there are four walls with 96 square feet each)= 384 total square feet for the room.

How many square feet is an 8×10 wall?

8×10 room = 80 square feet Therefore, the answer above can written as 80 ft2.

Where do you start when wallpapering a room?

Many experts recommend starting the first strip to the right of a door or window, on one side of a natural break such as a floor-to-ceiling bookcase, or in an inconspicuous corner.

How long should it take to wallpaper a room?

How does it take to wallpaper a bedroom? Usually, this will take 1 to 3 days depending on the condition of the walls, whether they are painted or currently wallpapered, and the size of the bedroom.

What is the best size for desktop wallpaper?

Sticking to a 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio would be your best bet imo.

How many strips of patterned wallpaper are in a roll?

A standard roll of wallpaper is approximately 10.5m (33ft) long and 530mm (1ft 9in) wide. If you measure the height of the walls from skirting to ceiling, you can work out how many strips of paper you can cut from a standard roll – four strips is about average.

How do you measure wallpaper for a spoonflower?

How Much Should I Order?

  1. Measure the width of all of the walls in feet (round up). Take that total measurement and divide it by two feet (24″) which is the width of each wallpaper roll.
  2. Measure the height of your walls in feet (round up). This number tells you what length of rolls to buy.

How many rolls of wallpaper do I need for a ceiling?

Standard wallpaper roll sizes are 10m long by 530mm wide….DIY Projects – How many rolls of wallpaper.

11m (36′) 2
12m (39′) 2
13m (43′) 3

How many sq ft is an 8×10 rug?

So if a room is 8 foot wide by 10 foot long, 8 x 10 = 80 square feet.

Do you wallpaper left to right?

Choose a wall to the right of the window if you’re right-handed or to the left if you’re left-handed. Also, it’s best to work away from the window, so the paper edges don’t cast a shadow if they overlap slightly. And try to avoid having to hang narrow strips against a window or door.

Do you start in the middle of the wall when wallpapering?

No matter how tempting it is to start in a corner of the room, resist it and hang the first piece of wallpaper in the middle of the wall. Using a plumb line and pencil, mark a vertical line on the wall. You can use a spirit level instead if you prefer.

How much does it cost to put wallpaper up?

Putting up wallpaper costs between $287 and $735, or about $510 on average. Coated-fabric wallpaper is more expensive than regular vinyl-coated, paper-backed or solid-sheet options. The labor cost to install wallpaper ranges from $1 to $7 per square foot on average.


How do I calculate how much wallpaper I need?

How do I calculate how much wallpaper I need?

First measure the width of the room and divide by 53cm, the width of a standard roll of wallpaper. This will give you the number of drops you need.

How many drops do you get out of a roll of wallpaper?

Wallpaper rolls typically measure 33′ (10m) long and 21″ (535mm) wide. If the room you're decorating has a ceiling height of 9′ (2760mm) you'll get three drops of wallpaper per roll. Allow a few inches per cut length for trimming the top and bottom off each strip.

Is wallpaper cheaper than paint?

Cost. It's generally cheaper to paint a room than it is to wallpaper it, but wallpaper tends to have a longer life-span so the costs even out over time. … Similar to paint, cheap wallpaper is a diseconomy. It's thin and more prone to damage.

Are all wallpaper rolls the same size?

Standard wallpaper roll sizes are 10m long by 530mm wide. Using the charts below work out how many rolls of wallpaper or ceiling paper you will need. Measure the height of the walls and their total width.

What is the size of a wallpaper roll?

Q: What is the size of a roll of wallpaper? Wallpaper is printed in three standard widths, 21 inches, 27 inches and 42 inches. These are the standard industry sizes of wallpapers. One single roll of wallpaper yields approximately 50 square feet of usable paper, regardless of its width.

How much does a roll of wallpaper cost?

Typical costs: Good, basic wallpaper sells for an average of $25-$50 a single roll, depending on material and style. Papering a typical 16-by-20-foot room requires 16 to 20 rolls, at a cost of $400-$1,000.

What is the standard width of wallpaper?

Width is measured in inches. Most widths will be either 20.5 or 27 inches wide. Length is measured in feet. Most single rolls will be either 13.5 or 16.5 feet long (or 27 or 33 feet long for double rolls).