How do beaches glow?

How do beaches glow?

Beginning a week prior to your vacation, gently exfoliate your entire body every other day and apply a hydrating body balm after every shower. By the time you hit the beach, your skin will be softer, smoother and glowing.

How should I prepare my skin for holiday?

Take a hard-working body scrub and start buffing to remove all those dead skin cells while you shower. Or try dry body brushing which can also help improve the appearance of cellulite, double win! Exfoliating is even more important if you plan on a pre-holiday wax or a spray tan!

How long before beach should I wax?

How soon before hitting the beach or pool do you recommend waxing and why? Do wax two to three days in advance, especially if you are new to waxing, as people with very sensitive skin might incur slight redness or blotchiness. It will calm down in a day or so.

How soon should I get my nails done before vacation?

Pioneer of the medical pedicure Margaret Dabbs says that our most abused body part needs love and attention far further in advance than anywhere else – three months before you go away is when you should treat yourself to a salon pedicure.