How do airbags work in cars?

How do airbags work in cars?

Airbags work by inflating as soon as the vehicle starts to slow down as the result of an accident. They then begin to deflate as soon as the driver or passenger's head makes contact with them. … The bag, which is packed into a space behind the steering wheel or on the passenger side dash, inflates.

Do cars need to have airbags?

Federal legislation makes airbags mandatory. … In 1966, Congress passed the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Act, which required automakers to put seat belts, but not air bags, in every car they built. Unfortunately, the law did not require people to use their seat belts, and only about 25 percent did.

Where is airbag in car?

The airbag is located beneath the steering wheel.

How much does it cost to replace a car airbag?

Number 2 — Airbag Replacement The cost of replacing an airbag outright can be several hundred dollars, although it once again depends partially upon the exact make and model of the car that you're working with. Expect to pay on the order of $1000 to $1500 per airbag to be replaced.