How did Chara die?

How did Chara die?

They are the one who originally conspired to breach the barrier and shatter it. Chara is the reason they died so long ago, and Asriel simply followed along out of love for his 'sibling'. Chara took control of Asriel, broke through the barrier and carried the body back to the village.

How much HP does Flowey have?

Getting hit by his five-bullet spread in his first encounter deals 19 damage per bullet whereas the unavoidable ring attack heals 19 HP regardless of whether it hits the protagonist.

How old is frisk and Sans?

So now we got the information that Frisk is from 5-16 years old. Let us go further. Pretty much every character is taller that Frisk, except Sans, Alphys, and Asriel.

Is frisk a boy or a girl?

Frisk is 'Gender Neutral'. "They" don't seem to have superior Male or Female qualities to them.

What happens if you kill Asriel?

No, you can't kill Asriel. Because he's the last boss in PACIFIST run. But here's my attempts to kill him with Flowey's Time Machine! And for those who don't know, Flowey's Time Machine is a modding service for Undertale that allows you to skip through the game and give your character different items.

How old is Temmie?

Tuyo (or Tuyoki) Chang (born April 3, 1993) is a freelance animator and illustrator known for her works with Studio Yotta. Temmie graduated from the Pratt Institute with a degree in 2D animation. She is a main artist in Undertale.

What is Hyperdeath?

Hyperdeath. An inverse form of death; where you die but you've only gotten stronger.

What happens if I name yourself Frisk?

The catch is, the name Frisk enables Hard Mode, and all the Ruins monsters are replaced by stronger (usually female) counterparts, and instead of playing “Enemy Approaching” during a monster encounter, you will hear “Stronger Monsters,” which is the monster encounter theme of Hard Mode.

Why did asriel turn into a flower?

In simple form, Flowey the flower is a flower because Asriel and Chara died in Asgore's garden. Their dust spread over the garden, bringing one of the flowers to life.

How did Chara become evil?

The reason why they became pure evil is fairly simple. When they died, their soul was taken by Asriel, removed from their body. … This left them without a soul, and without compassion, like Flowey was. Now, Soulless Chara's consciousness has become part of Frisk, somehow.

Who is the strongest person in Undertale?

Asriel is probably the strongest character in Undertale. Overall Asriel Dreemurr is the most powerful character in all of Undertale. Why you ask? Well let's start of with the fact that Flowey had consumed 6 human souls to become a being of unimaginable power.

How tall is sans Undertale?

Sans and Chara are also 42-48 inches tall!

What is Asriel’s eye color?

What colour do you think Asriel's eyes are? Green makes the most sense in terms of color coordination, red makes the most sense in terms of biology.

Why does asriel attack Frisk?

Flowey stated many times that he wanted the power to reset back. That's why he used this against Frisk. With their determination gone, Flowey/Asriel gets control over the timeline again so then Asriel can reset the timeline like he said he wanted to. And he can do “everything over again” like he says in his battle.

What does Gaster say in Undertale?

During one of the travels with River Person, they say "Beware of the man who speaks in hands." There is speculation that this alludes to Gaster since the typeface used in the entry number seventeen (room_gaster) uses hand symbols.

Where is sans from?

Sans (/sænz/) is the brother of Papyrus and a major character in Undertale. He first appears in the forest after the protagonist exits the Ruins. He serves as a supporting character in the Neutral and True Pacifist routes and as the final boss and heroic antagonist in a Genocide Route.

Does asriel have a tail?

asriel doesn't have a visible tail from behind.

Does asriel turn back into Flowey?

When Frisk leaves, Asriel turns back into Flowey, and becomes cruel again. He flat-out says he'll stop being able to feel love. … Flowey never got a happy ending, but he also didn't go back to being evil. It seems he's just there sulking now.

How did Asriel and Chara die?

In 4, Asriel and Chara are talking about a plan. … But if they had actually poisoned themselves, then nobody excepting Asriel would know. And Asriel died right after they did. Asriel mentioned that after he absorbed Chara's SOUL and went to the human village, Chara tried to get him to kill everyone.

What is asriel Dreemurr an anagram for?

Asgore Dreemurr is an anagram for sage or murderer.

How do you spare Asriel?

It is impossible to damage Asriel; any attempt to FIGHT results in a MISS. Asriel cannot be spared using the MERCY option. It is also impossible to receive a game over in this fight; if the protagonist's HP reaches 0, their soul splits in half before repairing itself.

What happens if you refuse to give Chara your soul?

If you don't sell your soul, you'll have to wait for 10 more minutes before you are given a choice again. Until you sell your soul, everything will stay like this. If you sell your soul, there will be an extra scene at the end of True Pacifist ending. … So you HAVE to give Chara your soul…

Who is Frisk?

Frisk is the playable character and main protagonist of Undertale. After Frisk falls into the Underground, they embark on a journey to return to the surface. Frisk is the last of the eight humans to fall into the Underground after traveling to Mt. Ebott.

Who is Chara in Undertale?

Chara (/ˈkærə/ KARR-ə), also known as the first human or the fallen human, is the first human to fall into the Underground. Chara is also the fallen human that the player names at the start of the game, and not the controllable character who is played throughout the entirety of Undertale.

Can you spare asriel Dreemurr?

It is impossible to damage Asriel; any attempt to FIGHT results in a MISS. Asriel cannot be spared using the MERCY option. It is also impossible to receive a game over in this fight; if the protagonist's HP reaches 0, their soul splits in half before repairing itself.