How deep should the water be for a red eared slider?

How deep should the water be for a red eared slider?

Red-eared sliders need an adequate amount of water in which to swim. At a minimum, the water should be about twice as deep as your turtle is long—a 4-inch turtle should have a minimum water depth of 6-8 inches.

Can red eared slider turtles live in tap water?

The quick answer is that yes, tap water is probably not going to lead to any type of health issues for your red-eared slider. Most tap water has a pH of about 8.0, which is right in the upper range (6.5 to 8.0) of suitable pH levels for red-eared sliders.

Can I let my red eared slider walk around?

They don't need any special light requirements like other reptiles do. They are cheap pets. They should be able to walk around the house. They can eat whatever we feed them.

How do I keep my turtle happy?

Turtles require 12 hours of sun a day! Also, do not take your turtle in and out of the tank; it can severely affect its immune system. Keep your turtle away from any other pets that can do harm to it. … Just be sure, if they're real, that they're not poisonous to your turtle because it will try to eat them.

Do red eared slider turtles bite?

Red-eared sliders may bite — and the bite can be quite painful. The bite will probably only hurt but may be more damaging to young kids with small fingers. Keep in mind that red-eared sliders won't bite "just because." In most cases, a bite is a result of an animal being mishandled or hurt.

How do you play with your turtle?

While turtles won't recognize a person as quickly as a dog will, over time, turtles actually will learn to recognize their owners, either by sight or sound. In some cases, turtles may even come when called!

How can I tell if my turtle is dying?

Do not use tap water for your tank, as tap water contains chlorine and possibly fluoride which can upset the pH balance of your system. De-chlorinated water needs to be used for the swimming area and filtered water for your turtle to drink. … Turtles can carry Salmonella.

Can you take your turtle out of its tank?

Around 80°F during the day, 70°F at night. Turtles require 12 hours of sun a day! Also, do not take your turtle in and out of the tank; it can severely affect its immune system. Keep your turtle away from any other pets that can do harm to it.

How long can a red eared slider go without food?

An adult red-eared slider can go for several months without food. You should ensure that it is healthy and free from any prior health issues, but if the red-eared slider turtle is six months old and below, then all these conditions together with food are mandatory, otherwise, it may not live for a month.

How Long Can turtles go without eating?

However, as per the general rule of thumb, an adult healthy turtle can live months without any food. To all the good turtle owners, it is never recommended to leave your turtle without any food for more than several weeks.

Can two red eared sliders live together?

When housing multiple red-eared sliders in the same habitat, it's best to keep similarly sized turtles together. Larger turtles may bully smaller ones, and they will eat the food before smaller turtles can dine. You may notice bites or scratches on a bullied turtle.

How long can a red eared slider hold its breath?

Red eared sliders will stay underwater till they need air. Though they get oxygen from water that's not always enough, they eventually need to come up to breathe. Normal aquatic turtles stay 30 minutes underwater before they need air.

How long can a turtle be out of its tank?

Turtles can probably last out of water for hours, or maybe even days at a time (depending on the temperature, humidity, and species), but you shouldn't keep them out for more than 30min, and you should keep a constant eye on them.

Is it illegal to own a red eared slider?

Since 1975, however, selling baby turtles that are less than 4 inches long has been illegal in the U.S., because some reptiles—red-eared sliders included—can harbor salmonella on their skin. … The 4-inch law still stands—and with good reason.

How do you tell a turtle’s age?

To tell a turtle's age, start by counting the number of rings inside one of the scales on the turtle's shell. Then, divide that number in half to get a general estimate of the turtle's age. You can also estimate a turtle's age using its size. First, measure the turtle from tip to tail.

How often do you feed a red eared slider turtle?

Red eared sliders and other aquatic turtles can be fed daily as hatchlings and juveniles, reducing the feedings to every other day as adults. Some people choose to feed adults only every 3 days, while others prefer to stick to smaller meals and continue feeding them daily.

Do red eared slider turtles sleep in water?

Red-eared sliders are excellent swimmers. At night they sleep underwater, usually resting on the bottom or floating on the surface, using their inflated throat as a flotation aid.

How long does it take for a red eared slider turtle to grow?

In general, most Red Eared sliders will reach the size of 4 inches during their first year. After they reach that size their growth rate will drop considerably, and they will only grow about one inch for the next few years.

What do turtles like in their tanks?

Two excellent choices for turtle tanks are an internal aquarium filter or a canister filter. … Substrate in a turtle tank only accumulates uneaten food and waste, which quickly fouls the water, yet some turtle species, such as soft-shell turtles, which need a soft sand bottom, require it.

Can turtles drown?

Because turtles aren't fish, they don't have gills, which means they can't breathe under water. … That means that turtles can't stay underwater all the time. They can hold their breath for a very long time, but they have to come up to breathe every so often, or they will drown. There are no SCUBA tanks for turtles.

What do red eared sliders need in their tank?

Live foods include: Krill, crickets, super worms or meal worms, and red minnows. Provide at least a 20 gallon tank for baby sliders (under two years of age) and bigger as the turtle grows. Ideally you'll need 10 gallons of tank per inch of the turtles body length. Water should be at least as deep as the turtle is long.