
How can we attain moksha?

How can we attain moksha?

Moksha is liberation from the wheel of Samsara. The wheel of Samsara is a wheel of nature. In order to attain Moksha, we must leave behind the world of nature and become born into the world is spirit. This is a 100% sexual problem.

What happens when moksha is achieved?

As per Hindu philosophy once someone attains Moksha; his soul is merged with the God (one with the God) so no separation / duality remains between the soul and God (the soul as a separate manifestation ceases to exist). Till moksha is attained; the soul is trapped into endless cycle of rebirth.

Why do we need moksha?

To appreciate Moksha, we need to understand life. Moksha otherwise called Mukti, Kaivalya, Jivanmukti, Apavarga etc is usually interpreted as an enlightened state liberated from cycles of birth and death. This state is also seen as self-realised or god-realised. To appreciate Moksha, we need to understand life.

What do you mean by moksha?

Moksha is the ultimate goal of personal spiritual development for some schools of Hinduism. … In the Sanskrit language, "moksha" means freedom. It is as a state of eternal bliss and emptiness. According to Vedanta life is an endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth into a physical universe.