How can I sound good in English?

How can I sound good in English?

"Sounds great" is perfectly acceptable business informal, Don't worry about it. I don't think that you are are overthinking this. … It's clean and simple without puffery; formally informal.

How do you sound natural?

An English Club is a place for language learners to use English in a casual setting. Practising your skills in the classroom is important, but it is not like real life. In the classroom, you often focus on one skill and one item (for example: grammar – future tense).

What are the front vowels in English?

Front vowels are produced with the front part of the tongue raised towards the hard palate. There are four front vowels and they are largely the same for speakers of both American and British English.

How do you sound kind?

Be friendly in what you say in addition to how you say it. Share a nice thought about the other person. Avoid making things up just to be nice, however, as it'll sound fake. Avoid gossiping and don't complain too much.