How can I memorize faster?

How can I memorize faster?

Generally speaking the best time for effective studying would be Morning (5AM to 10 AM) and Evening(5PM to 9 PM) . Reasons: Early morning is a time when there is very less movement of any form. You would be the only one awake in the house and there won't be any distractions.

Is biology just memorization?

Biology does require memorization however doesn't make any sense without being able to sort out what you have memorized. It is much easier to learn biology by seeing it as a big story of how things work rather than "flash card" type memorization which is lost minutes after the exam.

What is the best time to study biology?

Biology involves a lot of remembering and things. So, It is best to study when you are not suffering a mid day crash i.e Just after eating your lunch or Late in the night, where you might be feeling sleepy.

Why is biology so hard?

If a particular subject is of our interest then being difficult we will take its difficulty as a challenge and enjoy studying and understanding it. Just by listening to others many times most of us think BIOLOGY is difficult. … As I found most people are afraid of biology because of the difficult names, drawings in them.

How can I study smart?

Burning midnight oil before biology exam is not the solution to get a good grade in the exam. If you want to study biology in one day you have to read it effectively because it will take a huge amount of time if you go through the study resources word after word.