
How can I make my straight hair really curly?

How can I make my straight hair really curly?

Take a sock-bun and put all of your hair through it, then divide your hair in half. Wrap both sections tightly around the sock bun on either side, and secure the ends to your roots with a bobby pin. Release your hair from the sock-bun in the morning and spray it with hairspray to get your curls to hold.

Can straight hair become curly?

There are several theories as to why hair changes texture. … One interesting fact about curly hair is that the gene for straight hair is recessive but that the curly hair gene is not completely dominant. That means you could have the curly hair gene but until it's activated, your waves and curls will be dormant too.

Why is my straight hair turning Curly?

Your hair may become curly with age if you inherited both straight and curly hair genes from your parents. Some of these genes can be inactive at birth but then become turned on by hormones, aging, or other factors including medication, nutrition, stress, illness, or pollution.